Spot the Majestic Whales!
Are you a whale-watching lover? There are some best places for whale watching in Sri Lanka! Don’t miss the chance to spot Blue Whales in the ocean while touring Sri Lanka. The best time for whale watching in Sri Lanka may depend on the season for sure. Furthermore, the season for watching these blue giants in Mirissa and Kalpitiya is between October and March in the South East. On the other hand, in the West of the Island, it is between March and July in Trincomalee. Short day tours in Sri Lanka are ideal for whale watching and scenic spots, offering a glimpse of the island’s beauty.
Generally, wherever the Blue Whales swim in the deeper recesses of the Ocean, the dolphins hang out nearby. They are always at the surface of the water, playing at the top edges of the sea.
The three popular best places for whale watching in Sri Lanka are Mirissa, Trincomalee, and Kalpitiya. Mirissa, on the south coast, Trincomalee on the east coast and Kalpitiya, on the west coast. From any of these places, one can hop onto a ferry boat & take a cruise a little beyond the horizon with others including lifeguards.
While waiting for the whales to appear, you can also read a book or capture the ocean on your lenses! Then, suddenly, the gentle giants appear all around the area, swimming with excitement and fear, as if the boat might ‘attack’ them. Usually, there are white Whales, one should be extremely fortunate to spot a blue one. On the way back to the shore, be on the lookout for Dolphins if you missed them! Mirissa is the best place for whale watching, we have exclusively designed a day tour for you !